July, 2021
Thursday 22/07/2021 il Quinteto Porteño will play live at the 3th Festival Internazionale di Musica by the city of Portogruaro for the Maestro Astor Piazzolla".
Show start at 21.00 in Piazza Treviso Bibione (Ve)
ne of the most interesting musical realities of tango-jazz on the Italian scene. Quinteto makes each concert full of energy and passion, a unique moment, in which different sounds coming from cultured music, jazz improvisation and popular ethnicity come together blending Italian tradition and innovation. Quinteto remains always in a perfect balance between virtuosity and feeling.
Roberto Colussi: Chitarra
Daniele Labelli: Pianoforte
Nicola Milan: Fisarmonica
Alessandro Turchet: Contrabbasso
Giugno, 2021
Wednesday 16/06/2021 Quinteto Porteño will play at Festival "Incontri d'Estate 2021".
Show start at 21.15 in Piazza della Concordia in Ronchi dei Legionari (Go)
One of the most interesting musical realities of tango-jazz on the Italian scene. Quinteto makes each concert full of energy and passion, a unique moment, in which different sounds coming from cultured music, jazz improvisation and popular ethnicity come together blending Italian tradition and innovation. Quinteto remains always in a perfect balance between virtuosity and feeling.
Roberto Colussi: Chitarra
Daniele Labelli: Pianoforte
Nicola Milan: Fisarmonica
Alessandro Turchet: Contrabbasso
Ensemble D'Archi Onda Nueva
Luglio, 2020
On Friday 3/07/2020 the Quinteto Porteño will be a guest of the Moca Festival 2020.
The show will start at 20.30 in Piazza Unità in Monfalcone (Go)
The Moca Festival reaches its third edition.
From July 3 to August 1, 20 bands will perform on six different stages between Monfalcone and Marina Julia.
As in the two past editions, the festival, born in 2018 with the aim of promoting emerging music while simultaneously giving space to established and thick artists on the European scene, will present a great variety of musical genres: from jazz to rock, passing through blues, reggae, post-punk and prog.
Under the artistic direction of Simone D'Eusanio and with the lively collaboration of the acsreos association, the Moca wants to bring quality music to the streets and clubs of Monfalcone, offering the public exclusively unreleased tracks, thus enhancing the work of the musicians of our territory, throughout Italy and beyond.
The concerts will take place on Friday in Monfalcone, while on Saturday we will be in Marina Julia, always with different locations where you can attend different concerts at different times.
Moca 2020 will see some bands on stage that have already participated in previous editions and many other new ones.
Roberto Colussi: Chitarra
Daniele Labelli: Pianoforte
Nicola Milan: Fisarmonica
Alessandro Turchet: Contrabbasso
Luglio, 2019
Opening as they say with a bang given the great stature of the Italian musicians on stage.
To break the ice was the "Quinteto Porteño" and for your reporter it was perhaps the best surprise of the festival. I love Piazzolla's music unconditionally but only very rarely have I heard a group that, while referring to the music of the great Argentine composer, manages to adequately express its spirit. Usually there is no dramatic charge, pathos. Well the "Quinteto Porteño" despite having performed only original music, has managed perfectly to recreate those atmospheres, those suggestions dear to Piazzolla.
All thanks to an empathy that is the cornerstone of the group: so, while the writing is equally divided between Nicola Milan (accordion) and Daniele Labelli (piano), the task of exhibiting the melodic line is mainly on the shoulders of the excellent violinist Nicola Mansutti, well supported by Roberto Colussi on guitar; Alessandro Turchet deserves a special mention, absolutely sumptuous on the double bass both in the accompaniment phase and in the solo interventions that are anything but sporadic. As mentioned, what fascinates in this quintet is the compactness declined through arrangements always well studied that find fertile ground in the beauty of the themes always characterized by a persuasive melodic line.
So all the musicians put themselves at the service of the collective, without anxiety or desire to overdo it; in this perfect sense the contribution of the accordionist: usually, in tangier groups, the accordion tends and overdoes it; not so in the "Quinteto Porteño" in which Nicola Milan always appeared measured, playing the indispensable notes to the project, not one more.
Review by Gerlando Gatto
Luglio, 2019
The Quinteto Porteño host of the Eurythmic Association will play at the Rose Park for the Grado Jazz Festival on 7 July 2019. For the occasion, songs from the Quinteto originals will be played.
Alessandro Turchet: Doublebass
Maggio, 2019
The Porteño Quartet hosted the splendid Rose Libri Musica Vino Roseto review of the San Giovanni Park in Trieste on May 31, 2019. For the occasion, original and traditional pieces by Maestro Astor Piazzolla will be played.
Alessandro Turchet: Doublebass
Ottobre, 2018
Trio Porteño Live @ Teatro Sanluri 7 Ottobre 2018.
The trio will play pieces by Astor Piazzolla, from the Argentine tradition and original music repertoire.
Lorenzo Marcolina: Clarinet
Roberto Colussi: Classical Guitar
Aprile, 2016
The Quinteto Porteño hosted by the Municipality of Pasian di Prato will play in the Municipal Auditorium on 29 December 2017. Accompanied for the occasion by the Ensemble d'Archi Onda Nueva. For the occasion, original and traditional pieces by Maestro Astor Piazzolla will be played, Argentine Folklore.
Alessandro Turchet: Doublebass
Novembre, 2016
The Quinteto Porteño hosted by the Municipality of Casarsa della Delizia will play in the Teatro Comunale on November 16, 2016. Accompanied for the occasion by the Accademia d'Archi Arrigoni. For the occasion, original and traditional pieces by Maestro Astor Piazzolla will be played, Argentine Folklore.
Alessandro Turchet: Doublebass
Agosto, 2016
To celebrate ten years of activity, the Quinteto Porteño comes out with a new audio production. In Quinteto Porteño with Strings many works by the quintet are revisited for a formation that includes the Arrigoni Orchestra D'Archi. The CD was recorded mixed and mastered by Francesco Marzona of the Birdland Studio.
Aprile, 2016
To celebrate 10 years from its birth, the Quinteto Porteño will rearrange part of its repertoire for the Accademia d'Archi Arrigoni to create a new and exciting adventure which will see its first appearance on April 22nd.
More Info : http://www.molinorosenkranz.it/teatro-zoppola/rassegne/concerti/
Aprile, 2016
A splendid evening of Poetry, Jazz and Tango at the Giovanni Paolo II Center in Ottava Presa on April 1st, 2016.
Alessandro Turchet: Doublebass
Febbraio, 2016
Quinteto Porteño ospite della rassegna Vivaldi in Musica presso il Teatro Vivaldi di Jesolo il 5 Febbraio 2016.
Alessandro Turchet: Doublebass
Ottobre, 2015
The Quinteto Porteño hosted by the Lis Primulis Association of Zampis, the Italian Folkloric Union and by the Municipality of Pagnacco will play in the Municipal Auditorium on October 24, 2015. For the occasion, original and traditional songs by Maestro Astor Piazzolla will be played, Argentine Folklore.
Alessandro Turchet: Doublebass
Luglio, 2015
The Quinteto Porteño hosted by the Cultural Association together for Music and by the Municipality of Lignano Sabbiadoro will play in Sala Darsena on 29 June 2015. For the occasion, original and traditional pieces by Maestro Astor Piazzolla of Argentine Folklore will be played.
Alessandro Turchet: Doublebass
Aprile, 2015
The Quinteto Porteño hosted by the Pro Latisana Association, the Municipal School of Music of Latisana and by the Municipality of Latisana, will perform for the festival Il Salotto dei Concerti. The concert will take place at the Octagon of Latisana on April 10, 2015. For the occasion, original and traditional pieces by Maestro Astor Piazzolla will be played.
Alessandro Turchet: Doublebass
Luglio, 2014
The Quinteto Porteño guest of the splendid review Musica in Villa a Mereto di Tomba on 10 July 2014. For the occasion, songs by Maestro Astor Piazzolla, Original and Traditional of Argentine Folklore will be played.
Romano Todesco: Doublebass
Aprile, 2014
"Tango and sounds from the world in a global embrace Quinteto Porteño Renaissance AlfaMusic distr. Egea"
The tradition of tango dug up to bring its essence back to the surface, a rhythm that pulsates with life in all its forms. Music that opens up to the encounter without distorting itself. Arriving on the third album, the Quinteto Porteño is still capable of surprising. And to fascinate with that his live music honestly and consistently.
Nicola Milan (accordeon), Daniele Labelli (piano), Nicola Mansutti (violin), Roberto Colussi (guitar) and Alessandro Turchet (double bass) with their feet always well planted in the tradition of that Argentine tango that brought them together in 2006 they look and they open up to the world.
A path already opened by the previous album, Desired successful meeting between popular music and jazz improvisation, classic and cantabile of Italian tradition. Musicality full of suggestions today made even more vital by the energy of a new awareness. «There is a need for a Renaissance, to place the authenticity of the person and life at the center of all reasoning and action. states the quintet in the cover notes - There is a need for a Renaissance in the globalization of languages and ways of thinking ». And the declaration finds full realization on the disc: Rinascimento meets and tells all the anxieties, the tensions of a society in crisis.
With Milonga dell'Incorenza, the inconsistency and unreliability of a modern man running out of time and ideas, and the increasingly strident contradictions of a world that still obliges emigration, today as yesterday, with Il Sogno Abbandonato. Hopes despite everything still possible with the sun above the clouds, and female vitality in what moves the world. The search continues for that musical alchemy that does not need images or shows to tell its story in Milonga de Porto, Quintedia, Tango 7. It becomes an encounter between cultures that mix without stepping on each other, but coexist in a natural way as in Estango where tango it embraces Balkan music, or they merge as in the Renaissance where Italian tradition meets innovation while remaining in perfect balance between virtuosity and sentiment. The music of the Quinteto Porteño is deep and logical as a coherent thought.
di Paolo Odello Bel Disco Quello Del Quinteto Porteño Che Da Anni Studia La Musica Argentina Mettendola In Correlazione Con Altri Ritmi24 April 2014
Pubblicato nell'edizione Nazionale dell'Unità (pagina 21) nella sezione "Speciali" .
Aprile, 2014
Jazz Tango has been and is a phenomenon that has seen important protagonists of numerous albums of historical importance, distinguished by an agile technique, by far-reaching cavities and plasticity, by elegiac depths of the medium-serious register that have enhanced soft and voluminous colors , shaded in exciting internal paths that have probed every aspect of the sensitivity and dark emotion of the Barrios sung as Unpublished Events, as innovative documents of an abstract impressionism and of "regions" of the soul invoked as Exodus by the Ephemeral in clear language lively and natural.
Among these, the seductive eccentricity of Astor Piazzolla, the creative vigor of the "Gotan Project" and "Tanghetto", the modernism of "Bajofondo". The Quinteto Porteño describes a passionate scan of the Contemporary Age, animates the most diverse feelings, manages an overall movement that goes back to the roots of the musical reason of an Avant-garde that from Astor Piazzolla took the moves, sensing the Shapes with the humility of those who know the dissensions and the classical training, interpreting the Popular Plan and the distinctly rhythmic style with affective and absolutely contemporary movements.
The Nuevo Tango relives in the emotional improvisation of the 9 original staves, in the progress of a "sad" and sinuously jazzy performance ("Quintedia"), in the exegesis of lyrical, light and aphorisitic steps ("Renaissance"), in the imagination by Modern and Elegant Harmonies ("The sun above the clouds"), in the animation of wide and discreet interventions, interpreted according to Blue inflections ("Milonga de Porto"), generously giving space to restless Melodies, to multicolored emotions that in Tango have built metaphors of accents and stories born from a Philosophy of Time (Lost) and from a living Language of Cultures that go beyond the boundaries of his Earth of biological origin ("Tango 7", "What moves the world") to move in steps, like the dancers who have represented the iconography of the Kletzmer, the Balkan, Mediterranean Folk for more than a century, the "simple songs" in the Benarense Conventillos inhabited since 1880 by Spanish, Russian, German and Italians ("Milo nga of inconsistency "," The abandoned dream "). To say of the Tango that it is "a sad thought that is danced" (so Enrique Santos Discépolo, lyricist of Carlos Gardel, the most loved among the singers of the "barrida" and the "balesita") is all too reductive.
The Shape of Tango lives on elements that are also very distant from each other, which await nothing but to merge in its name. This, between Waltz, Mazurca and Polka, the Cinque del Quinteto Porteño sound like "road companions" in a "conjunto" which feeds on sadness and every lost happiness, as the poets of the Binary Times teach, as Happiness is by definition ephemeral, illusory, derisory. A specificity of the "Tango cançion" is the use of a particular language, the Lunfardo; this Idiom, born most likely as jargon not to be understood above all by the police, is in the words "gomìa" (amigo), "troesma" (master, par excellence Gardel) and, of course "gotàn" (tango). This returns to "Estango" as it was in Piazzolla's "Libertango" and "Violentango", highlighting its fundamental characteristic, the linguistic Pastiche which in Music is improvisation, an integral part of this Tekhnè and this dance; without it one cannot dance, one can only repeat a sequence, a set of already known steps; but if the dance is also an imitation of the True, it is however good to underline that it is not only this, if anything, an interpretation of the Mélos in non-verbal harmonies in which man does not preclude himself from any possibility of movement, especially internal. Imagine in this sense the rapid and tumultuous turn of the ideal Choreography by Nicola Milan, in whose Finale the Passion gives in to the hypnotic improvisation of a Time ("Summer and Tango") which cannot and does not intend to explain the movements of an individual magnetic Gesture of Re-Birth and Renaissance, precisely.
Del Quinteto enchants Improvisation, a Word that would say Reasons that would be somewhat complex and, moreover, perhaps disadvantageous; what we know is that it is used, in Tango as in many other art forms, to agitate, to experiment, to amaze. The Nuevo that was in Piazzolla is all in that secret that they know, and that exists in that supernatural instant that is created between step and step. As Carlos Gavito said: "Make the impossible possible: dance the silence".
Fabrizio Ciccarelli per Roma in Jazz e 4arts
Aprile, 2014
This album produced by AlfaMusic (Egea distr.) Is a beautiful surprise for the practicing tangueri and fans of all South American music. "Rinascimento" by Quinteto Porteño is a journey into universal music such as tango - an expression full of charm - and at the same time conveys a criticism of the Italian ruling class, responsible for the sad topicality that the country is experiencing, and sends a message of hope to hold on, at least one second longer than the "enemy".
The "Renaissance" project matures from the general crisis that man is going through and in particular from the political and cultural chaos that reigns in the beautiful country. The anxieties, the tensions, the lack of time and the inconsistency of modern man are found in songs like "Milonga dellʼIncoherenza", dedicated to the Italian ruling class, or "Il Sogno Abbandonato" dedicated to all those people who today like 100 years ago are forced to leave your country as a last chance for salvation. "Rinascimento" is also a research album where music communicates without the need for images or entertainment, communicates for an exquisitely musical alchemy as in "Milonga de Porto" or plays with numbers as in "Quintedia" and "Tango 7" (respectively in 5/4 and 7/4). There are positive and hopeful messages as in the song "The sun above the clouds" or that pay homage to female vitality as in "What moves the world". On this journey, cultures mix without trampling and coexist in a natural way as in "Estango" where tango embraces Balkan music. Then there is "Renaissance", a language that blends Italian tradition and innovation, virtuosity and sentiment, music and philosophy. This is nothing but the pure essence of tango, a musical expression that excites. And even more when it comes to know that behind this beautiful "Renaissance" there are five excellent Italian musicians, who have nothing to envy to the most popular Argentine formations and could land without fear in Buenos Aires.
In summary, a CD (with a perfectly fitting cover) that can not miss in the disco of the tanguero and world music lovers. The Quinteto Porteño, composed by Nicola Milan (accordion), Daniele Labelli (piano), NicolaMansutti (violin), Roberto Colussi (guitar) Alessandro Turchet (double bass) was born in 2006 with the intention of exploring and studying Argentine tango, with particular respect for the music of the great composer Astor Piazzolla.
Aprile, 2014
Many times to understand how to move forward with our life we need to look back, to draw inspiration from what has shaped us. We turn to our experience, we look for that note, that melody that changed our life. And if you are in Quinteto Porteño you will find tango. But if you are always the Quinteto Porteño you will know how to give something new out of this passion for tango.
Rinascimento, their latest album released for Alfa Music, is proof of this. Nicola Milan on the accordeon, Daniele Labelli on the piano, Nicola Mansutti on the violin, Roberto Colussi on the guitar, Alessandro Turchet on the double bass have decided to start again from the tango, the beautiful and passionate one. From there their rebirth begins. Already from the first song we realize how the tango is manipulated between the instruments and that it comes out of it reborn to a new life, similar but different from itself.
Tangos and popular songs mingle with jazz, which finds its home in improvisation together with the skill of each individual musician. Nicola Milan's accordeon acts as a lyrical voice in the exposition of the themes of each song, accompanied by the violin and the double bass and all three manage to recreate the atmosphere that can be found in the streets of Buenos Aires. But Renaissance is not only this. With arrangements very well articulated, full of time changes and spaces of expression where the themes come out as if from nowhere, each song expresses lyricism and feeling. A progression towards the opening of feelings and impulses that starts from the first song up to the last. Il Sogno Abbandonato with the piano and the double bass that are the background to the theme exposed in unison by the violin and the accordeon is one of the most intense pieces of the album. He starts almost closed in himself and then opens up with the tempo change where piano, double bass and violin dialogue with more dreamy and illusory tones, while still maintaining that passionate and sanguine rhythm that only a tango can have. More playful and influenced by Balkan rhythms and melodies are Tango 7 and Milonga de Porto. Renaissance is the expression of how from something now ancient and rooted in our cultures such as tango, there can be a new rebirth, be it cultural, musical or even social.
A very well-kept, intense album that plays with tango and uses it as a means of expression and transport to something new and with sophisticated arrangements that make each song a discovery. Nicola Milan is strong and passionate with the accordeon, the instrument par excellence of tango. With its lyricism it best expresses the theme in each song, characterizing it and making it immediately enter the head. Daniele Labelli on the piano is a great expression. Communicative especially in solo music, he knows how to bring that extra touch of jazz. Nicola Mansutti has a great technique and he knows how to bring every note to the extremes of the violin's voice, almost to torture it, adding that piercing touch to the tango and making it even more expressive. Roberto Colussi on guitar manages to communicate well with each musician and express himself at best in each solo, bringing an element of novelty to each song. Alessandro Turchet is the one who creates the atmosphere in each song, supporting the group and directing it towards the climate it wants to create. Very good in dialogues with other instruments, especially with the piano.
Rinascimento is the demonstration that it is from ourselves that we must leave so that something can change. Blood like only a tango can be but at the same time new, regenerated. This can only be the demonstration that the best rebirths happen through music.
Federica Di Bari per saltpeanutsjazz.wordpress.com
Aprile, 2014
The Quinteto Porteño was born in 2006 from the encounter between Nicola Milan (accordion), Daniele Labelli (piano), Nicola Mansutti (violin), Roberto Colussi (guitar) and Alessandro Turchet (double bass), five talented musicians united by the desire to explore and study Argentine tango, starting from the repertoire of the great composer Astor Piazzolla.
After the debut with the homage to Piazzolla of "Decarisimo", the Quinteto Porteño has increasingly refined its stylistic code, characterized by a great liveliness of expression in dilating and restricting the forms, but above all in the improvisation of introductions and solos , all grafted on original compositions in which they intertwine between Latin sounds, jazz improvisation, classical music and the cantabile vein typical of the Italian tradition.
Four years after their second album "Desiderata", among the five best jazz records with accordion at the Orpheus Music Award, we find them with "Rinascimento" disc consisting of nine songs which, together, make up a sort of sound journey through different cultures, traditions and sounds, in search of a new hope for our society, a sort of lifeline from the anxieties, tensions, lack of time, which characterizes modern man.
All this emerges with strength in songs like "Milonga Dell'Incoerenza", dedicated to the senseless Italian ruling class, or "Songo Abandoned", which stretches a bridge between present and past to tell us about those Italians who run away from their land in search of better fortunes abroad, and finds its summit in the splendid "What Moves The World" dedicated to love, as the only key to a different future. There are, however, lighter but not less interesting sections from the musical point of view as in the case of the sinuous "Milonga De Porto", in which the superb melodic line drawn by the Milan accordion stands out, or the fascinating "Tango 7" of which the excellent interplay between Labelli's piano is appreciated.
Listening to this disc is thus a precious opportunity to discover the splendid sound textures woven by Quinteto Porteño, who, opening up to a globalization of language, invites us to bring man and his authenticity back to the center of the world, rediscovering the energy of life through music.
Salvatore Esposito per blogfoolk.com
Aprile, 2014
TUESDAY 8 APRIL 2014 a new episode of ALL ONE JAZZ!
During the episode we will listen to QUINTETO PORTENO!
Connect for the international live audio and video from 21.00 to 23.00 at the internet address www.radiovertigo1.com and listen to Web Radio Vertigo One, the first officially registered Web Radio in Italy.
Giorgia Barosso is waiting for you live on the Web!
Se vuoi seguire ALL ONE JAZZ su Facebook:
Febbraio, 2013
The new Album del Quinteto Porteño (AlfaMusic 2014)
From February 24 on ITunes and on the major online platforms!
Settembre, 2013
The new Album del Quinteto Porteño for AlfaMusic entitled "Rinascimento" is coming soon.
Giugno, 2013
Il Quinteto will present a preview of the Renaissance Project on Saturday 8 June 2013 at the Teatro di Zoppola. A small change of line-up with Nicola Mansutti on the Violin to replace Simone D'Eusanio.
Alessandro Turchet: Doublebass
Agosto, 2012
The Quinteto Porteño hosted the splendid Musae festival at the Palazzo della Provincia on August 28, 2012. For the occasion, pieces by Maestro Astor Piazzolla and original compositions will be played.
Alessandro Turchet: Doublebass
Febbraio, 2012
Il Gazzettino
«Desiderata» is a dream come true, the confirmation of a group composed of professional musicians from Friuli and Veneto (the Quinteto Porteño), which proves mature, solid and well-matched, a CD full of personality where technical quality and creative skills they harmoniously marry, of "rare beauty" (for Jazzagenda). It was broadcast by Radio Fm's highly popular Anima Jazz program, on Radio Tre, on Radio Due and entirely on Vatican Radio, placing itself among the best jazz CDs with accordion in Italy at the Orpheus Music Award. The founder of the Quinteto Porteño is Nicola Milan, Zoppola accordionist, who also signs most of the songs, rearranged by the whole group, composed by Simone D'Eusanio (violinist with active collaborations with Elisa, Giusy Ferreri, Antonella Ruggero), Daniele Labelli («piano poet» capable of combining classical and jazz soul), Roberto Colussi (among the reference guitarists in the region) and Alessandro Turchet (among the best young Italian double bass players with more than 40 CDs under his belt). «Between us - explains Milan - there is a great feeling, which allows us not to have a leader and to merge classical writing and jazz-style solos in our live performances. After paying a tribute to Astor Piazzolla with our first cd "Decarisimo", where we wanted to recreate his sound world, going beyond the mere score, we veered towards a more personal search, starting from the Latin American world, but looking for Italian sounds and jazz contaminations. The result was a fusion between cultures of great impact, a music capable of being cultured and popular at the same time, whose originality was recognized by all ".
Clelia Delponte per il Gazzettino
Giugno, 2011
Born in 2006, the Quinteto Porteño is a skilled exporter of the Argentine musical tradition of which it knows secrets and virtues. Desiderata, produced by Alfa Project, is the latest effort of the exquisitely Italian quintet which, this time, confronts the composition and arrangement of ten unpublished songs lying on forty-six minutes full of tango. Much is due to the Magisterium Piazzolla, an artist to whom the Quinteto Porteño had already paid Decarísimo, and much more winks at Italian-made melodies that give a touch of catchiness to the compositions: the mixture created gives a delicate infusion even for the most palates demanding.
Milonga Z, the opening track of the album, is well suited to act as a synthesis of what you will hear later. AC Milan's phrases on the accordion intertwine with the counterpoints of D'Eusanio's violin as in the more traditional Argentine dance, between heels and dizzying turns. Milonga Canzone and A te - sung by the same author, Milan, and by the soprano Lucia Vaccar, however pleasant to listen, are marked by an overly sophisticated lyricism that sometimes affects, at least in part, on the final result of the entire work.
Pietro Scaramuzzo per Jazzitalia
Maggio, 2011
Roma in Jazz
"The Quinteto Porteño, composed by Nicola Milan (accordion), Simone D'Eusanio (violin), Daniele Labelli (piano), Roberto Colussi (guitar) and Alessandro Turchet (double bass), was born in 2006 to explore Argentine tango, looking in particular to the music of Astor Piazzolla. The first disc of the quintet, Decarísmo, was in fact a tribute to the Argentine composer, virtuoso of the bandoneón and reformer of the stylistic figure of tango. His revolution had given birth to an original genre, the nuevo tango, which combined the Argentine tradition with elements from classical music and jazz.
The music of the Quinteto Porteño had been accompanied since the beginning by the enthusiasm and appreciation of the audience and now comes with original compositions entirely arranged by the formation, contained in the album Desiderata, released for AlfaProjects (AlfaMusic).
The strength of the ensemble is, in addition to expressive spontaneity, the union of very different musical worlds: in the compositions of the Quinteto Porteño the Argentine rhythms are accompanied by classical music, by jazz (each song has a space dedicated to improvisation) and a typically Italian cantabile vein.
In this way, cultured, refined and at the same time popular music takes shape, as it is for every tango. There is, however, in Desiderata, also innovation, syncretism and the pleasure of a fluid and catchy listening.
To open the disc there is Milonga Z, a direct music without any preamble, marked by melodic lines of accordion and double bass, followed by a violin that makes the whole light. Song for Matteo combines a jazz piano with a nostalgic accordion sound and Desiderata, the song that gives the title to the disc, is a tango with a slow introduction that soon turns into a danceable song with rhythmic rhythms and immediate motifs. Chick to chick and Tango Quinto are the perfect example of the union, within the disc, of classic, modern and jazz, to create a set of fine workmanship. In Milonga Canzone, Windmill and A te instead the sung parts also appear, with texts in Italian written by members of the Quinteto. In Waltz for Sopi jazz returns to excel in all its splendor, while the disc ends with Vento D'Autunno, dismissing the listener with great delicacy of harmony.
From the first notes and throughout the record, the catchy melodies and the cyclical rhythm will strike you, as well as the right mix of different styles. Even the most daring parts are performed at their best, as in A te when, between a sung part and the other, an accordion typical of the Argentine tradition accompanies a distorted guitar whose phrases play in unison with other instruments. Desiderata is a record that promises a lot and the quality of the compositions, with the authenticity of the parts played, guarantees success and meets every expectation. "
Giorgio Aprile
Aprile, 2011
"Desiderata is an album that takes, intimate, free range, alive, which accompanies and never tires. Nicola Milan (accordeon), Simone D'Eusanio (violin), Daniele Labelli (piano), Roberto Colussi (guitar), Alessandro Turchet ( double bass). In art, the Quinteto Porteño. Latin sounds, expertly contaminated with Italian melodism. The final result is pleasing with the care of the arrangements, refined, and the choice of themes, very catchy. A mature album that lets you grasp the extraordinary understanding that is among the musicians, in an almost familiar, extremely empathetic atmosphere. Released for AlfaProjects (2010), Desiderata tells. The passionate protagonism of the phrases of Milan's accordion in Milonga Z, the opening song, leaves room for carefree Childish atmospheres of Song for Matteo, among the most successful songs on the album. Beautiful crescendo, overwhelming; sweet the theme, to whistle, funny the tails: the innocence, the naivety, the tenderness of the imbar gesture is palpable of a child. There would be all the space of a whispered story, perhaps for women. Desiderata is of rare beauty. A very pleasant theme that woos; then, suddenly, he points his finger and challenges the desire he wants, even when he can't. The musical gesture becomes sensual, marks the step with passion, in an always emotionally vivid and rich crescendo, Latin. The love dialogues of the accordion with D'Eusanio's violin are intense, the Turchet double bass is caressing, almost a conversational cello. A perfect intertwining of souls. Complex, however, that of Chick to chick, vaguely oriental: the basses are beautiful, the progressions of Colussi's guitar that launches into a singable solo. The contrast between the velvets of the guitar and the angularity of the Labelli piano is a bit harsh, reflecting an often too metallic tone. Milan accordion ordered, which describes and distributes pleasantly enveloping spaces. The enchanting jazz digressions of the guitar and the piano fit in perfectly.
Two words on Milonga Canzone (text: D'Eusanio) and A te (text: Milan), the songs that introduce and experience the proposed song on the album. In Milonga Canzone D'Eusanio appears in the double role of author and voice: it is a softly ballad piece, entrusted in the introduction to the lyricism of Labelli's soul piano, almost denied then by the slap-in entrance of the baritone, excessively dramatic, dark, severe for the touching intensity of the text. It distracts the timbre mix, the rhythm of listening suffers and the musical discourse is weighed down. The participation of the soprano Lucia Vaccari does not lighten. The texts are moving and well articulated, even in the sinuosities of the dedicated To You, but the choice of the lyrical combination seems risky. The album would not have suffered the absence. Personally I prefer D'Eusanio to the violin. Tango Quinto is the return song to Latin, in perfect style. Crawling, passionate, intimate, reflective, poignant. Windwills experiences the plot with the soprano's voice differently. The beauty of the theme proposed by the violin, as well as the timbre and vocal composure of Vaccari, however, do not find a winning combination in the choice of the story in unison; there is no understanding, rather, the delay of the voice is quite embarrassing. Sin. With Waltz for Sopi also the enchanted and carefree atmospheres of track 2 return, choral and pleasantly stuffed. Autumn wind closes, transient, still. Mystical minimalist atmospheres. Perhaps the passage in which the lack of rhythmic accompaniment of the percussion is most noticeable, in support of the crescendos which, for this reason, are in emotional tension. It burns, but does not deflagrate, and perhaps it is a choice: a conclusion that does not impress, but accompanies, sweetly, the repeat. It never tires. "
"The Quinteto Porteño was born in 2006 with the intention of exploring and studying Argentine tango, with particular regard for the music of the great composer Astor Piazzolla. The enthusiasm and appreciation of the public have accompanied the formation since the beginning, and are strengthened by the success of the first album recorded by Quinteto, 'Decarisimo' a heartfelt tribute to the genius of Piazzolla. Having matured an original sound, Quinteto now decides to tackle his own compositions, presenting himself to the public with original music, entirely composed and arranged by the band. The strength of the ensemble remains the expressive spontaneity, which makes the performances particularly convincing. By bringing together musicians from very different musical worlds, in the compositions of the Quintet Classical music, Jazz (each song has a space dedicated to improvisation ) and a typically Italian cantabile vein merge with the Argentine rhythms cultured, refined and at the same time popular, which manages to excite and drag any listener with it. "
Eliana Augusti
Novembre, 2010
Esce il nuovo Cd per AlfaMusic/Egea
Acquistabile su :
"The Quinteto Porteño was born in 2006 with the intention of exploring and studying Argentine tango, with particular regard for the music of the great composer Astor Piazzolla. The enthusiasm and appreciation of the public have accompanied the formation since the beginning, and are strengthened by the success of the first album recorded by Quinteto, 'Decarisimo' a heartfelt tribute to the genius of Piazzolla. Having matured an original sound, Quinteto now decides to tackle his own compositions, presenting himself to the public with original music, entirely composed and arranged by the band. The strength of the ensemble remains the expressive spontaneity, which makes the performances particularly convincing. By bringing together musicians from very different musical worlds, in the compositions of the Quintet Classical music, Jazz (each song has a space dedicated to improvisation ) and a typically Italian cantabile vein merge with the Argentine rhythms cultured, refined and at the same time popular, which manages to excite and drag any listener with it. "
Ottobre, 2010
"When the Quinteto Porteño was born in 2006, it was initially intended to explore and revive the
world and music of Astor Piazzolla. Their first recording work Decarisimo (2008) was in fact a tribute to the work of the great Astor and obtained a good consensus from critics and audiences. Backed by this success, the quintet offers us today, with Desiderata, a series of unpublished pieces, specially composed by them, as an expression of their maturity. The rigor that pervades the sound and the particular solemnity of some of the sung parts give this work a deeply personal dimension in the Italian and international milonguero panorama. "
Elisabetta Sermenghi
Maggio, 2010
Gratified by the numerous concerts performed after the release of the first CD "Decarísimo", the quintet now presents itself with a challenge, new music all original composed and arranged by the Quintetto Porteno: classical music (all parts are written), Jazz (each song has a space dedicated to improvisation) and that typically Italian cantabile vein blend with Argentine rhythms, cultured and refined music, but also popular music that can excite any listener.
The new CD entitled "Desiderata" will be released soon, recorded at the "Metro" studio in Ljubljana.
Agosto, 2007
The Quinteto Porteño hosted the splendid Summer In Villa event in San Giovanni al Natisone on August 10, 2007.
For the occasion, pieces by Maestro Astor Piazzolla will be played.
Luglio, 2007
The Quinteto Porteño guest of the splendid Summer In Villa Varda festival in Brugnera (Pn) on July 16, 2007. For the occasion, pieces by Maestro Astor Piazzolla will be played.
Alessandro Turchet: Doublebass
Maggio, 2007
The first CD of the Quinteto Porteño "Decarísimo" has been released for the AssoWhat label. A sincere tribute to Maestro Astor Piazzolla. The CD contains reinterpretations of the Argentine Master's Classics.
Settembre, 2006
In preparation the first Album of the Quinteto Porteño "Decarísimo". After a series of incredible concerts, we are working on releasing our first CD.
Alessandro Turchet: Doublebass